Life in Mumbai is relentless, buzzing and fast. Amidst various problems such as lack of space, labour issues and travel woes, it is like a myriad of concoctions giving you a heady feeling of being in control and spinning out of it all at once. Mumbai has always been home to me. I used to own an imitation jewellery brand ,@ZahrajaniAccessories.
Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.
They say, life happens to us, and so, motherhood happened to me. I am now a full time mother to my 2 year old daughter Alizah Jani. Although, I have embraced this occupation and title in it’s entirety, my creative side kept nagging me to do something different and to do something more. Hence, I casually started tinkering with my daughters Instagram account @alizah_jani. That is when I found my true calling of blogging. Call me a blogger, an influencer, anything…. But basically, I am a full time stay at home mom. I feel that all women are mothers in their essence. This defines our identity and is our intrinsic nature. However, there is so much more to being a mom than giving birth and raising a child. It involves our unique traits, talents and tendencies and is something that truly nurtures our own growth and development along the way.
We have so many experiences to share with each other, each unique in its own way but still tied to the common thread of motherhood. Each experience makes us stronger, richer and uplifted. Hence the name – BeingMom &Beyond.
Welcome dear readers to the world of Mom and Beyond. My name is Zahra Jani and I invite you to embark on this journey with me.