How to choose the right skin care product for your baby

How to choose the right skin care product for your baby

The moment my baby was born, the only concern I had was to shield her from the world. Babies are born with pink skin, their veins so visible underneath their almost translucent skin. With such a tiny little human being by my side, all I could think of was giving the best kind of skin care of my child. I first experimented with other skin care products, which unfortunately didn’t work well for my baby’s skin. The perfume fragrance in the baby lotion was actually hampering with my baby’s delicate skin. Rashes and irritated skin were all that I could see on my little one. A scared mother in me had to book a doctor’s appointment. To my relief those rashes were just because of the baby lotion that wasn’t suitable for my child. All my doctor recommended was Johnson & Johnson baby lotion. With my newborn’s well-being my priority, I took no time in buying the best baby lotion from Johnson & Johnson. Being the world class brand that they are, my child can now be in much safer hands.

As parents as always want our newborns to look good and smell good. In a bid to reach those satisfying levels, we often overlook how certain products might be causing damage to their skin. Many baby lotions come with harsh chemicals, parabens and even artificial fragrances. For a mere floral fragrant, I didn’t wish to put my child’s health at a risk. Such creams and lotions are also the cause of eczema in babies. While eczema in babies is common and treatable, as a parent we should be more careful of choosing better products that guarantee us the right quality. With Johnson & Johnson baby lotion, I have learned not to compromise with my child’s skin care. But did you know that there are certain tips that you need to learn when choosing the right baby lotion? If not, take a look below.

  1. Ph balance: Considering the pH balance is crucial when buying a baby lotion. Most baby lotions have the pH value mentioned so that you can choose the one which is closer to your baby’s skin pH value. Our baby’s skin surface increases from pH neutral-pH 5.5.
    Johnson & Johnson baby lotion has the pH balance mentioned on their bottle. This means their products give optimal protection to your baby’s sensitive skin.
  2. No harmful dyes: Understanding the skin care needs of a new born is not tough. You only need to make sure the baby lotion has a pH value matching with your baby’s skin. There should be no harmful chemicals, dyes and fragrances present in the lotion. These artificial substances will give your baby allergies.
  3. Gentle on the skin: Baby lotions have to be gentle on your baby’s skin. Conventional baby soaps tend to be alkaline, which can lead to dryness that in turn might cause rashes, redness and even eczema. To prevent your baby from having cracked skin, it is best to invest in Johnson & Johnson baby cream.
  4. Fragrance free: Baby lotions have to be free from fragrances. The artificial fragrance in them can cause irritation to the skin. A non fragrant baby lotion will be gentle to your child’s skin. When applied on your child, combined with your baby’s natural scent, your baby will automatically smell divine.
  5. Absorbency: Buy baby lotions which have a good absorbency rate. Johnson & Johnson baby lotion have a higher absorbency rate, which means the lotion won’t remain on your baby’s skin surface for a long time.

I have used Johnson & Johnson baby lotion on my baby’s skin, which now feels soft and supple. My baby has no skin conditions, thankfully because of my trust laid on the baby skin care giant. You can invest in Johnson & Johnson and never have to worry about your baby’s skin care regime.

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