
Coronavirus, Health, Kids

10 Ways To Build Your Kids Immunity

There are certain foods, which are best to build your kids immunity, especially that of the children. I’ve curated a list of a few super foods that are best to eat, especially during these pressing times. But make sure to wash and cook these foods thoroughly before you feed your child.

Also, ensure your child has washed their hands thoroughly before eating. While eating right is a crucial step towards a healthy immunity, practicing hygiene is equally important.

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Health, Kids

Sources of Protein for kids in our daily food

How many times have you raced like a cat and mouse with your child? With you being a cat with a plateful of vegetables and your child being a mouse, refusing to eat it. Funny how a child always manages to win these races. The best way to enable your child eat healthy foods is to involve them in the process of cooking. You can teach your kids the nutrition value of the different foods you cook. Apart from this, making a plate look appealing with colourful vegetables or setting them up in a fun way will also enable your child in eating healthy without being fussy. This blog will take you through a course of the great sources of proteins, so that you can start incorporating the in your child’s meals.

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Kids, Parenting

Toilet training your child at the right age

Toilet training for kids is a tough task that no parent has ever achieved overnight. Toilet training for toddlers can take a few days to even months, depending up on how quick your toddler can grasp things. It is necessary to begin toilet training for toddlers at the right age as beginning it too soon will only take you long. When your toddler is at the right age, say between 18 months- 24 months, it is the right time to train them.

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Health, Kids, Parenting

Sleep training tips for babies for a good night

The best would be to make use of all the different sleep training method for babies until you decide to go to a consultant. Do not panic and hesitate as you will only be doing good for your little one. But also remember that every approach need to be given a fair share of time to work its magic. Try these methods and do let us know which one worked best for your little one.

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Kids, Parenting

Importance of free play for child development

Parents should learn the importance of free play that will give an opportunity to their toddlers for maximum development. Learning the importance of free play in early childhood years will make your child confident. The importance of free play to child’s development is that it contributes to the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being of children.

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New Year’s Resolutions for kids

To help your child make the New Year’s Resolution list, you need to break free from the mundane points such as waking up early, brushing teeth twice a day and so on. Your child is likely to get bored with the list within a few days of the New Year. It is hence, best to keep your New Year’s Resolutions list innovative. The list should be such that it should nudge your child to grow into a better person. So take this opportunity of molding your little one into a better version of himself/herself. Here’s what you can include in your child’s New Year’s Resolutions list to make it positive and encouraging.

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